Mass Times
St Mary's Cathedral
180 Harrington St, Hobart
Weekend Mass times:
5:00pm: Saturday (Vigil Mass)
10:30am: Sunday (Livestreaming paused until 4 April 2025)
6:00pm: Sunday
Weekday Mass times:
There will be no weekday Mass times at St Mary's Cathedral until February 11, 2025.
Sacred Heart Church
1 Cross St, New Town
Weekend Mass times:
8:30am: Sunday
Weekday Mass times:
9:15am: Tuesday - Friday (please note new time)
8:00am: Saturday
AA Lord Retirement Village
181 Hill Street West Hobart
​Mass here will resume
10:30am: Friday 7 February 2025
Other Services
Worship with us
In addition to these Mass Times, we also have the following:
Sacrament of Reconciliation
St Mary's Cathedral
4.00pm - 4.30pm: Saturday
Rosary and Novena to Our Lady
Sacred Heart Church
After 9:15am Mass: Wednesday
7.30am: Saturday
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St Mary's Cathedral Crypt (Cathedral Centre)
6.00pm - midnight: Friday